Internal blogs

Communication failures, interminable email trails, and the cc and bcc maze can bog down the best projects. A blog, accessible to specified individuals and restricted from external/public view, can become the hub of information, ideas and expertise for individual teams or the entire company. Internal communication need not be a chore, if it is based on individual contributions presented in a dynamic and collaborative format. A blog is also a searchable, structured and categorised record of the project during and after its completion.

With an internal blog capturing information flows and interactions, everyone who participates and reads it comes to meetings up-to-speed and ready to get down to business. And new people can review the internal blog’s content and jump straight in with a clear understanding of how the project and/or the company evolved.

The Big Blog Company will evaluate the need for your team or company to employ internal blogging, and build a tailored strategy that suits your particular business objectives and challenges. We can also design and implement internal blogs, train your employees in how to use them, and guide your organisation every step of the way in maximising the collaborative and knowledge management uses of internal blogging.

Further reading: InfoWorld – Blogging behind the firewall and Daimler-Chrysler employees are blogging